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ob_start php

ob_start php


ob_start is a PHP function used to buffer output. By default, PHP sends output to the client as soon as it is generated. However, there are situations where we may want to manipulate the output before it is sent to the client, and this is where ob_start comes in handy.

Benefits of ob_start

One of the main benefits of using ob_start is that it allows us to modify the output of PHP scripts. For example, we can use it to compress output, add headers, or cache data. It also enables us to capture output for further processing or saving it to a file.

Another benefit is that it can improve the performance of our scripts by reducing the number of network round trips between the server and the client. This is because ob_start buffers the output locally and can send it all at once, which can reduce latency.


Let's look at some examples of how we can use ob_start in PHP. One common use case is to compress output to reduce file size and speed up downloads. Here's an example:

In this example, we start buffering output using ob_start and specify "ob_gzhandler" as the output handler. This tells PHP to compress the output using gzip compression. We then output some text and end the buffer using ob_end_flush(), which sends the compressed output to the client.

Another use case is to capture output for further processing. Here's an example:

In this example, we start buffering output using ob_start with no arguments, which means that the output will be captured. We then output some text and store the contents of the buffer in the $output variable using ob_get_clean(). Finally, we output the captured text along with some additional text.

Issues to be aware of

While ob_start can be useful, there are some issues to be aware of when using it. One thing to keep in mind is that it can consume a lot of memory if we buffer large amounts of output or if the buffer is not cleared frequently. This can lead to performance issues or even crashes if the memory usage gets too high.

Another thing to keep in mind is that ob_start can interfere with other output-related functions in PHP, such as headers or cookies. For example, if we start a buffer and then try to set a cookie or send a header, it may not work as expected. In some cases, we may need to flush the buffer before sending headers or cookies.


Overall, ob_start is a useful function in PHP that can help us manipulate output, improve performance, and capture output for further processing. However, we need to be aware of the issues that can arise when using it, such as memory consumption and interference with other output-related functions. By understanding how ob_start works and how to use it effectively, we can take advantage of its benefits while avoiding potential problems.